

A tiny place, but it shines all the more brightly as you will shortly find out


Interesting, and still being worked on, but for now, nothing much to see


And what you see is what you get. A tiny Mayan temple. And the main attraction is in the small building on the right



This, however, is what it is all about, and there is nothing like it anywhere else


That's the header of one of the doors to one of the three rooms


This door was painted, but much of the pigmentation and stucco remains Here we see some furious battle scene going on, with death being imminent


Because of lack of interest I climbed to the top on my own


Up there, checking door headers, I discovered my reward for climbing up, another beautifully carved header and of course a great view of the whole place. One husband and wife from another group came up as well



Leaf cutter ants can be found all over Mexico, wherever a certain kind of bush grows


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